Sever’s disease – back of heel pain in kids

It’s normal for kids to feel some discomfort from growing pains and minor injuries as they grow up, especially if they participate in high-impact activities. But when pain shows up at the back of their heel, it could be a sign of Sever’s disease (calcaneal apophysitis). This may sound scary, but it’s actually a common … Read more

How Medicare Advantage plans can have no premium

When choosing the right Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan, it’s important to do your research. Many Medicare Advantage plans cover Medicare Parts A and B, Part D prescription drug coverage, and additional hearing, dental and vision benefits. Plans and their coverage offerings can vary significantly. That gives you the ability to compare and choose from … Read more

Why your ankle hurts & how to get relief

An ache that lingers throughout the day. Stiffness when you get out of bed. Sharp pains during or after a workout. No matter what form your ankle pain takes, it can slow you down. But what’s causing it? Your ankles do a lot of work for you every day, so they could just be sore. But depending … Read more

Fitness Trackers Are Coming for Your Pet

One dreary November Monday as I was enjoying a morning cup of tea, my phone alerted me that my cat, Avalanche, was exercising less than usual. For the past six weeks, Avalanche has worn a sleek black-and-gold collar that tracks her every move—when and how often she sleeps, runs, walks, eats, drinks, and even grooms. … Read more

RFK Jr.’s Testosterone Test – The Atlantic

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s personal health-care routine is perplexing in its inconsistencies. He decries seed oils, despite near scientific consensus that they’re harmless; drinks raw milk, which has been proved to get people sick; and takes testosterone as part of his anti-aging routine while insisting he’s not on anabolic steroids. Some of his routines, such … Read more

The Ozempic Flip-Flop – The Atlantic

This article was featured in the One Story to Read Today newsletter. Sign up for it here. A few years ago, West Virginia, which has the highest obesity rate in the nation, quietly began a small and unusual pilot program that would touch hundreds of lives: It started covering obesity drugs for state employees—even as … Read more

RFK Jr. Is Seducing America With Wellness

In 1829, the Presbyterian minister Sylvester Graham invented a cracker made from coarse wheat that he believed would help restore American health. He lamented the “miserable trash” that made up the average diet, especially white bread, and thought his eponymous crackers would curtail masturbation, which he deemed deleterious to both moral and physical well-being. (As … Read more

Sausage Stuffed Squash Recipe

Sausage-stuffed winter squash is an easy and healthy recipe that makes a great all-in-one main dish on a busy weeknight. We’ll also reheat it for lunch the next day. My kids love the squash “bowls”, and I love that these are a filling and healthy dinner. They’re naturally gluten-free and can easily be made dairy-free. … Read more