The Best Natural Beard Oil Options

While I’ve never grown a beard myself, plenty of men in my life have! Whether it’s your husband, dad, or brother, here are some great options for the best beard oil. These help nourish the skin and soothe irritation and inflammation, all while providing a nice scent. They make great stocking stuffers or gifts. And … Read more

Bentonite Clay For Diarrhea (Does it Work?)

Bentonite clay has become a staple in our home from remineralizing toothpaste to armpit detoxes. I’ve even been known to rub it in my hair! There’s even evidence you can use bentonite clay for diarrhea.  This home remedy is commonly used for detox protocols since it’s good at binding toxins and impurities. It’s also used … Read more

Healthy Cranberry Sauce Recipe

I’ve always thought homemade versions of classic recipes taste much better than store-bought versions. Cranberry sauce is a perfect example of this. Although I loved the canned cranberry sauce we always ate on Thanksgiving when I was young, after I tried making cranberry sauce from scratch one year I was hooked. Now I have a whole … Read more

How To Do Earthing (Plus When Not To)

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many report improved well-being and fantastic health benefits, including better sleep and less pain. However, critics emphasize the need for more solid scientific studies supporting this practice. Let’s delve into the evidence. What is Earthing?  Earthing or grounding involves putting the body into direct and uninterrupted … Read more

How To Do Earthing (Plus When Not To)

Earthing (also called grounding) can be a controversial topic. Many report improved well-being and fantastic health benefits, including better sleep and less pain. However, critics emphasize the need for more solid scientific studies supporting this practice. Let’s delve into the evidence. What is Earthing?  Earthing or grounding involves putting the body into direct and uninterrupted … Read more